Why do dogs die in hot cars?

Dogs die in hot cars.

We all know you shouldn’t leave your dog in a hot car, but we still see it happening. People don’t realise how quickly it can become unbearable for the dogs inside the vehicle. Breeds differ on how well they can cope with the heat. A short-haired Greyhound would obviously cope much better than a shaggy Old English Sheepdog.

Short-muzzled dogs have problems cooling down the air and suffer in hot conditions; you are better off leaving them at home, where they are safe than risking their health by leaving them in a hot car.

Car heat Chart

Check out the following chart; it shows how quickly a car gets hot in as little as 30 minutes.


Check out the following chart, and you can see how quickly a car, even at 21 degrees, the inside of the car would be an unbearable 40 degrees in as little as 30 minutes. Remember, leaving the window open or in the shade has minimal effect on the car’s inside temperature.

If you see a distressed dog in a car, call 999 and report it to the police. If you feel the dog is suffering badly and you cannot wait for the police to arrive, make sure you take a picture of the situation and that you have some witnesses. Otherwise, you might end up facing criminal damage charges.