Dogs can’t tell strangers where they live; it’s up to YOU be their voice
Why Does my Dog need a Dog ID Tag?
It is an offence under the Control of Dogs Order 1992 for a dog to be in a public place without a collar and tag with the owner’s name and address on it, even when the owner is in charge of the dog. If your dog does not have a collar or tag, you can be prosecuted and fined up to £5,000.
It’s the Law so Avoid a Fine!
You only get 7 Days
Under the Environmental Protection Act 1990, local councils to treat all unaccompanied dogs on public land as strays, regardless of whether they are wearing a collar and disc or have been microchipped. The council must seize such dogs and if they cannot be returned immediately to their owner they must be taken to the council stray pounds where they are held for a mandatory period of 7 days. After the 7-day period, the dog legally becomes the property of the kennels and the kennels can either re-home the dog to a new owner, keep the dog at the kennels or, following veterinary advice, put the dog to sleep.
New law this year (April 2016) brings into force the new Microchipping law. The fine will be £500 if you do not comply with orders to get your dog microchipped.
Do I need a ID tag if my Dog is Microchipped?
Yes under UK law even if your dog is chipped, it is still your responsibility to have a collar or tag with your name and address, unfortunately it is not enough to have your dog just microchipped.
My Dog Never Runs Off?
Never say never! Dog’s can be unpredictable after all as much as you call them your furkids they are still animals.
Times when your dog could run off/escape:
- A friend or dog sitter is walking your dog for you.
- Maybe you are in a strange place and they get confused.
- They chase an animal and lose sight of you
- They find a tiny gap in your inescapable fence
- They jump out of the car when you pull up or park
- You are out walking and dog hears gunshots or fireworks.
- You are involved in an accident
There are so many reasons how the unthinkable can happen, just make sure you give your dog the best chance of being reunited both quickly and with the least amount of stress for both you and your best friend.
The Annoying Jingle-Jangle
The current metal dangling ID tags are very popular and are mostly made from metal. They usually have the dog’s/owner’s detail etched on them. They are a great way to find out about the dog if you can get close enough for a peek, they are usually small to fit a dog’s collar. The problem is they often emit a very annoying jingle and jangle, which you can hear everywhere.
They also have some risks associated with them:
- Crate: Strangulation can occur when the identification tags get stuck in the bars of the crate.
- Branches/Bushes: While most dogs love romping through the woods, branches can easily snag the tag, either losing the tag or trapping the dog.
- Heating/Cooling air vents: The hanging identification tags can get stuck in air vents, and while the dog struggles, they ends up doing more harm than good.
They also emit a rather annoying jingle – jangle where ever your dog goes, which may not only drive you crazy but also wake you up at night or set the neighbours dogs off.
They can also be easily lost and etched versions will normally fade or rub off over time. Meaning you will have to replace them throughout their lives.
Personalised Reunite ID Dog Collar
Losing an adventurous, curious, nervous or naughty dog can be heart-breaking and frightening. Searching for them can be a heart wrenching nightmare. Make sure you can be reunited with your dog as quickly as possible. Your dog will be just as panicked as you, make sure you do everything to safe guard getting them back as quickly as possible and seeing that wagging tail pronto!
- To comply with UK law you MUST have both your name, address and postcode on the collar.
- The collars can be completely personalised, with the dogs name, your contact details, whatever you want.
Your Dog can’t tell a stranger where they live, it’s up to you to be their voice.
- Personalised – You can be contacted immediately if someone finds your dog.
- Silence the Jingle Jangle – No more noisy metal dangling tags required.
- Mobile Number – When you are out frantically searching for your pet, it is comforting to know that if anyone spots your dog, they can phone you immediately.
- Alert – If you have a dog with medical condition, the finder of your dog is aware immediately.
- Soft Polyester Webbing – Comfortable to wear for your dog.
- Funky designs – choose one of own or ask for a bespoke design.
- Colourful – Name and number stands out, anyone finding your dog can easily see your contact details.
- Won’t rub off – The design is printed into the collar, it can never rub off.
- Waterproof – If you have a river dog, don’t worry water won’t affect the print.
- Special needs dog – Maybe your dog is deaf.
- Temperament – Maybe your dog is nervous or not good around others dog, having this information printed onto a collar could really help a stranger to understand your dog.
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Don’t worry about losing your dog anymore!