The Doberman Pinscher is an athletic, intelligent and alert dog. This could be your breed if you are looking for a loyal guard dog and a running partner.
They are an intelligent and athletic breed. They need plenty of exercise and playtime. They could make the perfect active companion. This is not a breed for couch potatoes. You will need to be able to commit to long walks and endless games to keep them happy.
They make great playful and affectionate family pets. They are unsuitable for families with young children as they have their limits to being pulled around. With older children and those used to being around dogs, they will play endless games running around the garden with them.
They are loyal and are prepared to defend their family to the bitter end. They make excellent guard dogs, but because of this, they tend to be un-trusting of strangers and will usually require good socialisation when they are young, to help combat this.
Dobies are brilliant; they will require as much mental activity as they do physical. A bored dog will usually become a naughty dog, whether it be nuisance barking, chewing or digging. Try to ensure they are occupied with jobs, playtime or plenty of exercise to keep them out of trouble. They are very sensitive and easy to train; try to keep training both exciting and fun for the best results and avoid being harsh with them.
Some are known to be dominant with other dogs and animals, while others are big softies. They can be aggressive with other dogs, especially those of the same sex. On the side of caution, it is probably better that they are the only dog in the household. They will usually chase neighbourhood cats, but let’s face it, most do!
These are large, powerful dogs, you will need to establish yourself as the top dog early on, and then you will have a lovely well-trained companion for life. Unfortunately, the breed has had a lot of bad owners and bad press, and if you want to let this dog off the lead, it may be best for them to wear a muzzle, to avoid public opinions.
Their hair is low maintenance, it’s short, and they shed moderately all year round,  worse during Autumn and Spring as they change their coats. Weekly brushing will be enough to keep it under control. Docking of tails and cropping of ears is now illegal in the UK, but it is still in practice in other countries giving the Doberman a different look.
Doberman Dog Stats
The Dobermann originated in Germany. In the 19th Century, a man named Herr Louis Dobermann lived in the city of Apollo in the principality of Thueringen. He served as the town dog catcher, night patrolman and rates collector, among other duties. There was a demand for fearless watchdogs, and Herr Dobermann started selectively breeding the best of the locally available dogs for this purpose.
- Weight -30kg –40kg
- Size – 65cm – 69cm
- They live for 12-14Â years