German Shepherd Dog

They are heavy shedders, particularly around spring and autumn, you will need to give them a daily or at least a weekly brush to keep the hairs under control.

The German Shepherd or Alsatian Best German Shepherd Trait – Guardian Worst German Shepherd Trait – Heavy Shedding The German Shepherd Dog is also known as the Alsatian in the UK and parts of Europe, from a time when the word German wasn’t popular. They are very intelligent, natural guardians and devoted dogs.  This could be …

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Yorkshire Terrier

Best Trait – Fun lapdog Worst Trait – High-maintenance coat The Yorkshire Terrier was originally bred to kill rats, but they are mostly family pets or show dogs these days. They are small and have big personalities. They are feisty, loving, and elegant. This could be the perfect breed if you are looking for a …

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The Yorkiepoo is a dog breed that is a cross between a Yorkshire Terrier and a Poodle. They are a companion dog breed designed to shed less than Yorkies. With all crossbreeds, you can never really be sure which traits each breed will have, and there are always many inconsistencies. Yorkiepoo Traits at a Glance …

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The Whippet was used for hunting rabbits and small game in England. Not raced like their closely related Greyhound relatives. They can still run up to 35mph. They are friendly, calm and loving dogs. This could be the perfect breed if you are looking for a companion for your family or household. Whippets need plenty …

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The Weimaraner was originally bred in Germany as gun dogs to hunt deers and even bears. They are still used today by hunters. They can also make great family pets. They are intelligent, athletic and striking-looking dogs. This could be the perfect breed for you if you are looking for an active addition to your …

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West Highland White


The West Highland White Terrier was originally bred in Scotland for hunting and ratting. They are big dogs in little packages. They are independent, fun and affectionate dogs. This could be the perfect breed for you if you are looking for a busy addition to your family or household. They need plenty of exercise so …

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Standard Schnauzer


The Standard Schnauzer is a medium-sized dog; the Miniature and Giant varieties come from the Standards. They are one of the most intelligent breeds. They are devoted and athletic dogs.  This could be the perfect breed if you want an active addition to your family or household. They need plenty of exercise so as long …

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Staffordshire Bull Terrier


The Staffordshire Bull Terrier is a strong, bold and muscular dog. They were originally bred to fight in England. Don’t let their history put you off. They are sensitive, tough and trustworthy dogs.  This could be the perfect breed for you if you are looking for an active addition to your family or household. They …

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Skye Terrier


The Skye Terrier was originally bred to hunt badgers, otters and foxes in Scotland. They can have either prick or drop ears and will differ across the litter. They are confident, friendly and devoted dogs. If you are looking for a companion for your family or household, this could be the perfect breed for you. …

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Shih Tzu

Shiz Zhu

The Shih Tzu is known as the little Lion dog. Their origins are a bit of a mystery but are probably bred from Tibetan or Chinese-type dogs. They are small, regal and friendly dogs. If you are looking for a companion for your family or household, this could be the perfect breed for you. They …

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