
My name is Natasha, and I am dog crazy.

Ever since I was a kid, I have always been dog crazy!

I grew up with wire-haired fox terriers, who I love dearly, and fell in love with their cheeky, bullish terrier ways.

As an adult, my life has always been too unpredictable to have a dog, but after lockdown and mainly working from home, a little dog became available at my local RSPCA branch.

Well, the rest is history, and I am now the proud owner of a rescue Trigger. He is a Jack-Chi (although I have my doubts!).

For the Little Guys

I set up this website for the little guys. I know many rescues rely on goodwill and donations and don’t have a straightforward fundraising method, especially in these challenging times.

A percentage of affiliate links and products bought via this site will be added to the Crazy Dog Donation pot, where we can help support the smaller recuses and keep them going on the great work they do.

If you want an extra bundle of fun, please follow the Facebook page, check out our deals, and look through our rescue directory.

Adopt, Don’t Shop!