Afghan Hound

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The Afghan Hound is a completely unique breed with a silky coat and distinctive looks. Independent and affectionate when a puppy but once older Afghans become more aloof and free thinking, making their own mind up when they want affection not the other way around. Make sure you can cope with rejection if you choose this breed

They are mischievous and playful dogs, they are fun and like to play the fool, even stealing items from owners and generally getting into trouble.

They are fast natural runners and love to chase anything, make sure your garden fences are high as these guys can jump big obstacles.  Like most dogs any time they get bored can lead to destructive behaviour.

They are great with kids and make good family pets, they will normally get on with other dogs but other smaller animals and cats they will likely chase.

They are not noisy dogs, will rarely bark unless they have good reason to, so not the best watchdogs. They are shy or stand-offish with strangers with their sometimes aloof temperament, they need to be socialised early on to combat this.

They are quite intelligent but difficult to train, you will need patience and good techniques. They will be difficult to let off the lead as being a mixture of being a sight-hound and a extremely fast runner (they can outrun horses), they will be gone in a blink of your eye!

Afghan Hounds coats are very similar to human hair, it gets quite long and they get tangled up and really need daily or at least weekly brushing, It is a high maintenance coat.

Afghan Hound Dog Stats

Afghan Hounds originate from the mountains of Afghanistan where their long, luxurious coat kept them warm in the cold climate

  • Weight -25kg –30kg
  • Size – 60cm – 74cm
  • They live for 13-15years

Best Trait – Mischievous

Worst Trait – Difficult to train

Categories: Dog Breeds